Trace Stock Movements

With our software, you can trace the quantities and net value of the in's and out's of a particular item as they are bought, sold, borrowed and moved among various locations and owners. In the following screen, you can specify an item number and a period and the software will list out this item's movements in that period with the relevant quantities and net values.


Trace Stock Movements among various locations and owners

You can see on this screen capture that on 02/03/2012 and 09/03/2012, 40 and 20 of the Item "Sir Rodney's Scones" were sold. The respective values were $480 and $240.

On 21/03/2012, 50 of this item were borrowed from SP-CUST1 to WAREHOUSE A. The total value of the item was $560.

On 22/03/2012, 4 of this item were taken out of WAREHOUSE A  to produce finish products, of which 2 were consumed and 2 were still in the state of Work in Progress (WIP).